Website www.rosabelgica.be

Rosa Belgica

The Royal Belgian Rose Society “De Vrienden van de Roos / Les Amis de la Rose” (The Friends of the Rose) was founded in 1926 by Mr. Georges van Oost, a big lover and connaisseur of roses from Ghent. With this initiative, he realised his wish to spread the enthusiasm for roses and the culture for rose cultivation, to develop and promote everything which might contribute to  a better knowledge of that which is known as the queen of flowers.

In 1968, the society worked actively on the foundation of the World Federation of Rose Societies, of which it is a founding member. Also owing to this, the society keeps cordial relationships with national rose societies all over the world.

2% Complete
98% Complete
2% Validated
100% Transcribed
36124 Tasks

0 Projectsunderway

31 Projectscompleted

All projects
Showing: 31 Projects

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXXI)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
926 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XX)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
925 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXVI)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
927 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXVIII)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
928 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXXII)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
925 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XVI)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
928 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXIX)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
926 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XXIII)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
928 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (XIX)

0% Complete (success)
100% Transcribed
0% Validated
100% Transcribed
922 Tasks

Crépin’s Rose Herbarium (I)

5% Complete (success)
95% Transcribed
5% Validated
100% Transcribed
2160 Tasks

Rosa Belgica Stats

{{transcriberCount}} Volunteers

{{completedTasks}} tasks of {{totalTasks}} completed

Honour board

Day tripper View top 20
{{daily.name}} {{daily.score}}
Weekly wonder View top 20
{{weekly.name}} {{weekly.score}}
Monthly maestro View top 20
{{monthly.name}} {{monthly.score}}
Rosa Belgica Legend View top 20
{{alltime.name}} {{alltime.score}}

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