Volunteer | Tasks completed |
FMISSIAEN28 | 11845 |
gregory | 5017 |
kingkoen | 4575 |
MartinCoussement | 4074 |
Basile Dekeyser | 2558 |
joranvdv | 2193 |
Chantal | 1799 |
Filip Moerman | 1576 |
Pieter.Claerbout | 1539 |
Niels.Missiaen | 1459 |
Antonella Valadou | 1243 |
NoahCipers | 1223 |
sdestaercke33 | 1086 |
Lenn De Buysscher | 1070 |
Schotje | 1053 |
avanlautem31 | 499 |
LéontineHinnekens | 372 |
geert | 368 |
Michel Stockman | 361 |
Erik | 325 |
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