Website /tettris.eu


TETTRIs (Transforming European Taxonomy through Training, Research and Innovations) is a European project that aims to build taxonomic research capacity by transferring fundamental knowledge to citizens operating in the field, working together with natural history museums and other taxonomic facilities together with relevant social actors near EU biodiversity hotspots and other protected areas. https://tettris.eu

1% Complete
7% Complete
1% Validated
8% Transcribed
3335 Tasks

3 Projectsunderway

0 Projectscompleted

All projects
Showing: 3 Projects

Crépin’s Roses from the NHM in Vienna

0% Complete (success)
7% Transcribed
0% Validated
7% Transcribed
1398 Tasks

Plants of France

2% Complete (success)
6% Transcribed
2% Validated
8% Transcribed
900 Tasks

Plants of Germany

1% Complete (success)
8% Transcribed
1% Validated
9% Transcribed
1037 Tasks


{{transcriberCount}} Volunteers

{{completedTasks}} tasks of {{totalTasks}} completed

Honour board

Day tripper View top 20
{{daily.name}} {{daily.score}}
Weekly wonder View top 20
{{weekly.name}} {{weekly.score}}
Monthly maestro View top 20
{{monthly.name}} {{monthly.score}}
TETTRIS Legend View top 20
{{alltime.name}} {{alltime.score}}

Latest contributions

View all volunteers »

Why you should get involved

Support scientific research

Help researchers better understand the diversity of plant and animal life.

Become an online volunteer

Be part of an active community that supports and contributes to science and culture.

Make data accessible

Unlock the treasure of our collections and extend the reach of information around the world.

Institutions using DoeDat